Abandoned Mt. Tom Ski Area Holyoke Massachusetts
Do you remember a time, when the weather was cold, the day lit hours were short and the first snowfall was filled with excitement? That’s how I remember my youth, having been brought up to love the snow and spending countless hours playing, sledding, skiing and eventually snowboarding.

Growing up, I had the privilege of having a father who worked at Mt. Tom Ski Area, which meant having the access to hit the trails whenever I wanted. When I got my driver's license in 1997, I was finally able to drive myself and my friends to Mt.Tom to snowboard at will. Though at that time, I had no clue about the fate that lies ahead for this ski resort, and looking back, I probably should have jumped at that opportunity more than just the handful of times.

Mt. Tom eventually closed operation in 1998 and the ski area we all loved, fast faded into our distant memories. Left alone to fend off the harsh elements of New England, Mt. Tom’s heart and soul now rests abandoned, weathered and quickly becoming part of natural.
Recently, myself and fellow photog, Eric Gove (http://www.ericgove.com/) made a trip to Mt. Tom Ski Area to embark on a little photographic expedition, to take in the sights of what we could only describe as scenes from a post apocalyptic nightmare.

Please view the slide show below
***External Reference and cover photo credit goes to http://www.newenglandskihistory.com/Massachusetts/mttom.php